FAQ Expanded
Not all questions have simple answers, but we do hope this page serves you well in answering any of your questions. This is an FAQ expanded from our main FAQ page. Some of the listed items may be updated from time to time.
Are green cleaning options available?
Yes currently we are not “Green Seal” approved but we do offer green cleaning products such as Grand Havens own product Clean And Green from BioSolutions, all purpose and glass cleaner. No vinegar water here! Why deal with the smell? We choose quality local green products that do not leave behind odors.
You didn’t do the dishes or the laundry?
Be sure to check what options that were agreed upon. You will receive a basic outline with your forms that state specifically what services you are signing up for. If you did sign up for our full maid service and laundry or dishes were not cleaned be sure to contact us immediately!
I am going to be home for a few months can I pause my service?
Of course, let us know at least 24 hours in advance and we will be more than happy to accommodate.
You did not dust my China or *other?
Generally we avoid very high end products to decrease damage risks. If a home owner wants specific items cleaned such as silverware, wine glasses etc. We are available to shine those up for you. These sort of items usually aren’t included in your general cleaning package and are in a specialized category such as carpet extraction. Just let us know what you are interested in getting cleaned and we are more than happy to accommodate!
What if I lost my original agreement and services paperwork?
Tthen just contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions or send you copies.
I found some dust.
We do our best in a final quality walk-through of the property after every service. If you happened to find something let us know immediately upon discovery. Do note that after final vacuuming dust may settle, and in some older homes dust is just unavoidable unless we are there everyday. Some ways to battle this is to replace air filters or pick up the many air ex-changers or purifiers at your local retailer.
I think something is missing.
This is a very uncomfortable feeling. Being a home owner and believing you have been stolen from is not a happy situation, 9 times out of 10 the item was usually discovered elsewhere in the home. We have had the unpleasant experience with this before but have the proper procedures for an event like this. As a tip retrace your steps and search for the item(s), if it still hasn’t been found contact us immediately and we will open up a full investigation. Our cleaners are screened upon employment and know very well that not only will their employment be in jeopardy, but local authorities will be contacted. We will not tolerate theft. After 30 days you will receive a report on the investigation.
Can you clean at night?
Generally we reserve our night schedule for commercial clients due to busy offices or customers safety. If you work a 3rd shift we will try to fit you in as best as possible.
Do you have MSDS sheets?
Yep. They are available at all times. If you have a question lets us know!
Why can’t I just hire someone on craigslist to clean my home?
This is a personal financial decision, and we have had to answer this many times to some clients. Insurance and bonding have their places in any business, to protect you and your property or investments. The really simple answers can be answered with some simple questions – sounds crazy right? If the worker is injured on your property are you covered if they sue? It most definitely has happened. If the cleaner gets sick and can’t come this month or just tells you they have found a job what do you do? Other simple answers are you won’t have to worry about 1099, although the IRS dictates how to classify employees are you prepared to handle all the risks? After all, you just need your home cleaned! For these reasons alone our clients choose us to be there for them no matter what, at an affordable price, with a structured and sound business.
Do I get a discount for referring my friends or family?
Of course! You can choose what gift you would like to receive, after our second clean with your referral. We will contact you to choose a cash discount on your next service or a gift card to your favorite coffee shop.
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