Appliance cleaning service

Bring your appliance back to life increase efficiency save money and save your time!

Don't Let dust and dirt drag your appliances down

Appliance cleaning done right

We are offering professional cleaning for your appliances, commercial or domestic In the West Michigan area. Appliance cleaning is not a fun job and may take a long time to get done, because of this it never really gets done properly. Pam And A Bucket would be happy to get the job done right and restore your appliances back to the best operating conditions, and of course done correctly! On top of our great home cleaning packages our clients have the option to add in extras at any time. As a weekly or bi-weekly client on home cleaning with Pam And A Bucket you get special discounts on those little extras you need done! 

Kitchen and appliance cleaning
Michigan_oven cleaning by pam and a bucket

We keep appliance cleaning on schedule

Looking for a one time cleaning for your appliances? Just give us a call today and we would be glad to chat.  We encourage our one time clients to choose a home cleaning package at least for bi-weekly cleaning, dirt, germs, and grim build up fast and routine cleaning is the best effective way to keeping a clean home. If you need your appliances cleaned today give us a call there may be a few things you need to know before we come over.

Items We Clean

When is the last time your refrigerator was deep cleaned? Have you checked your hood vents? common places that harbor dangerous bacteria, carbon build-up, and grease are often neglected in an effort to save time. Build-up of material in your cooking appliances could pose as a fire hazard. Don’t let your home cleaning be a burden on you,  Call us today for an appointment and pricing.

 prolonging dirty appliances is hazardous we believe that you should enjoy walking into a clean kitchen and we’re here to help make that happen, Have questions? Our line is always open contact us today!

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